It truly amazes me how well this whole blogging, Twitter and Facebook thing has taken off! Sending an email almost feels medieval when you can instantly update the whole world about what you had for lunch that day. So since we are almost at 1000 hits and there might be some newbies here, I'm doing an "all about me" post! (thanks Michelle for the idea and list of interest that I innocently copied for your blog)
Favorite food: chocolate
Favorite real food: my Mom's chicken and dumplings
Favorite color: PINK!
Favorite outfit: anything that fits and is comfortable
Favorite movie: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Troy and Pride and Prejudice (the new one)
Favorite TV show: The Tudors, Real Housewives of..., House Hunters, Friends, Two and half Men, Mike and Molly (odd mix of shows I know)
Favorite vacation spot: anywhere there is beautiful water, Panama City, the Carribean, Lake Keowee, SC
Favortie vacation spot to dream about: an Alaskan cruise
Favorite hobby: scrapbooking, movies, anything massage
Favorite number: 6
Favorite cartoon character: Cinderella
Favorite restaurant: PF Changs, The Cheesecake Factory and Roy's (oh how I miss thee..)
Favorite store: Dilliards in Panama City. I can always find a deal there!
Favorite animal: my puppies :-)
Favorite thing to cook: Alicia's Awesome Potatoes (It's a secret recipe :-)
Favorite household chore: NONE
Favorite season: fall
Favorite holiday: 4th of July at home with the family
Favorite quality in a person: honesty
Favorite super hero: Superman
Favorite accessory: my beautiful engagement and wedding rings
Favorite flower: Calla Lillies
Favorite actor: Brad Pitt (especially in Troy. oh he is to die for)
Favorite actress: Amy Adams
Favorite car to dream about owning: Lexus SUV
Favorite book: The Bible
Favorite smell: a clean house or a new car
Favorite place to dream of retiring: traveling around the US in an RV with the hubby and dogs :-) it's a shame we can't retire when we are young so we can enjoy it and not spend all our time at the doctor's office :-)
AWESOME post! I loved it!